Events Calendar

Friends work Day and Guided Walk
Sunday 29 December 2019, 08:00am - 05:00pm
Hits : 497
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Contact Leanne 0450596705

Friends Work Day 7 am to 11 am.  Help to water, weed, plant or greet visitors at the Visitor's Centre. Wear long pants and sleeves. Bring gloves and hat. Ring Leanne on 0450596705 for more information on accessing the Gardens before opening time.

Guided Walk 9.30 am to 10.30 am through the beautiful, cool Hoop Pine Forest with Ken. This is an unpaved walk with a medium incline. Meet at the BBQ near the Visitor's Centre at 9.20 am. Wear hat and sturdy shoes, bring water and stay after the walk to share morning tea with the volunteers. Gold coin donation welcome.  Ring 0450596705 for more information.

Location Lismore Rainforest Botanic Gardens
